Leanna Sartwell

Leanna Sartwell's Fundraiser

Help Juvenile Offenders Reinvest in Education image

Help Juvenile Offenders Reinvest in Education

Education is the #1 factor in reducing recidivism for juveniles


$200 towards $1,000

Chatham Youth Development Center is one of 4 long-term centers that hold juvenile offenders. Youth that embrace the power of education are more likely to be successful upon release. STEM activities have a huge amount of power to change a student's relationship with education. However, we are limited in the types of activities we can practice with safety. CIBL has agreed to adapt these kits so that my students can have the same scholasic experiences as other students in public schools. These students are still members of our state and our society and they deserve the same rights to a quality education. Please help me take this step to provide it.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for The Center for Inquiry Based Learning Inc